How we work

Our experience helps developers of wind and solar projects to thrive

Focus on real assets

Our underlying company, Sedgwick Trading, has a diverse and complex energy portfolio. We invest at different stages, from planning and construction to operational. Across deals we look to take a majority stake and typically aim for 100% ownership.

As an investment manager, we actively seek out the lower-risk energy-producing assets like wind and solar farms. This allows us to carefully manage the volume of energy generated, which in turn creates more stable revenues. This benefits our investors, who are looking for predictable returns and diversity amongst their investment products.


Strong relationships, built to last

Solar Energy

One of the sector’s fastest-growing technologies, popular from domestic rooftop to larger solar farms. It also benefits from a trend for lower installation costs.

Wind Energy

Over the last decade, demand has grown for this form of energy. It is also recognised as offering one of the lowest-cost form of new generation capacity.

Projects that excite us the most

  • Developers with a track record of success, where long-term operations and maintenance contracts are in place with industry-leading suppliers.
  • Many projects benefit from prior government subsidies. We also invest in subsidy-free developments.
  • Each project’s profile must be in line with our environmental, social and governance (ESG) policy.
Unsplash Solar Panels Energy

Ready to work with us?

If you like what you see, and think we could make a great team, then we'd love to hear from you. Tell us about your renewable energy project and we'll be in touch to take the conversation further.